BDE: Two More IDF Soldiers Killed In Gaza – Total Of Five Since Beginning Of Ground Offensive

candle914Two more IDF soldiers have R”L been killed in Gaza on Shabbos, the IDF announced, bringing the total number of IDF casualties to five since the start of the ground offensive.

Staff Sergeant Bnaya Rubel (20) from Holon, was shot dead by a terrorist in Gaza who emerged from a tunnel shaft and opened fire at soldiers. The terrorist was shot dead in return fire.

The second soldier, 2nd-Lt. Bar Rahav (21) from Ramat Yishai. He was killed as a result of the activation of the Trophy missile defense system in a nearby tank. The system successfully blocked an anti-tank missile fired at the vehicle, but the soldier was killed in the process.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. The least we can do is attend the levayas & be menachem avel. Is there any way YWN can post details? Please G-d, no more.

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