
After 18 days of tefilos, tears and unprecedented achdus, Am Yisrael has learned that the kidnapped youths who were snatched by Hamas terrorists are not among the living. The boys were abducted from Alon Shvut Junction on Thursday night the eve of 15 Sivan 5774. Their bodies have been found in Halhul.

The rumors began flying during the evening hours on Monday 2 Tammuz as official state vehicles accompanied by IDF, Israel Police and ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) vehicles headed to Halhul, a PA autonomous city south of Gush Etzion and north of Hebron. Halhul has been known as a hotbed for terrorism since the first intifada in 1987 and it has only gotten more hostile since then.

As the rumors are confirmed following official notification to the parents of the youths, the nation can now begin to shed tears together amid a realization that despite the tefilos from the heart and cries of family members and Am Yisrael around the world, the gzar din has been rendered, a difficult one for the countless numbers of Yidden and supporters around the world that linked to the plight of the youths and their parents.

The Shaar, Frenkel and Yifrach families were emissaries for Klall Yisrael giving strength to Jews worldwide, being MeKadesh Shem Shomayim with their words and actions as they exhibited unshakable bitachon in HKBH and spread a message of kedusha to the international community from any and every forum that could reach.

The IDF activity in Halhul continues at this time. The Security Cabinet is convening at 21:30.

Once again, the nation prepares for levayas R”L and aveilus. יהי זכרום ברוך

20:49 IL: Naftali Bennett: No mercy for the murderers of children. It is time for action, not words.

The bodies are being transferred to the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

55 Responses

  1. Bibi, you and all your cabinet has blood of these boys on your hands. You taught terrorists well that they can kidnap Jews anytime and get away with it.

  2. israel shin bet estimated they were murdered minutes after their abduction and a gunshot was heard during the initial police call. BD”E may hashem avenge their deaths

  3. It is now time to play the game these animals want to play. Make life(or death) absolutely miserable for each and every one of them. Let them beg the Israelis for their lives.

  4. anewuser,

    Three!?! That’s all?!?

    The Yishmaelim yemach sh’mom need to be nuked! They understand nothing else.

  5. CRYING CRYING CRYING!!! Israel must take revenge! This has got to stop!
    So Tragic!!! Those poor parents and families and the entire nation- we are all mourning!

    And yes, we must all do introspection. Hashem is sending us clear messages.

  6. Boruch Dayan Emes I am Mamish crying.
    Gantz Klal yisroel, lets all get together and be mamshich the achdus that these 3 bocherim started and may that be a zchus to bring the geula that we so desperately need
    בילע המות לנצח ומחה ה’ דמעה מעל כל פנים ונאמר אמן

    TSHEVUA How we act, home, street with each other
    prayer; look to HASHEM not only in prayer but all through the day.
    tzadducka; cut back our wants and open our wallets, and time to others. You don’t need a 5 star bar mitzvah or weddings give so other people can least have a 2 star or 3 star

  8. I keep coming back…. Is it true? How can it be true?? BDE. I think we were all expecting the outcome to be a positive one :'( SO SAD!! Hashem! Please send Moshiach NOW!!

  9. BDE – I am crying at my desk
    May they go in front of Kisei Hakavod and pray to Hashem
    to save and protect all Jewish people and may Hashem bring the final geulah bekarov mamesh!

  10. Boruch Dayan haEmes.

    As a father, my heart cries out to the parents and family of these Karbanos.

    As a Jew, my heart cries out to our Nation.

    As a Frum Jew, my heart cries out to HaShem for Rachmunus.

    As much as I detest the subhuman creatures that did this, and make no mistake I am being polite by saying subhuman and detest, blind revenge is NOT the path to follow.

    We need to find these animals that walk on 2 legs and deal with THEM. Yes, make an example out of them if that is what is needed. Destroy their lives and show the other animals what we do when the children of HaShem are victims.

    But we should NOT be calling for mass murder or genocide. And trust me, there is a LARGE part of me that wants that as well. But that is not the way WE should behave. As the Am Nifchar we should set an example and NOT harm innocents.

    Let the guilty beware. His retribution will be terrible to behold.

    YeHay Zichrum Baruch.

  11. may the arab nation be wiped out and destroyed.
    may all our teffilos and be used against that cursed nation. amen

  12. I’m reading these comments of people losing their trust in Hashem… Is that your level of belief? Only when you get a ‘yes’? Are you a child? The level of your Emuna shows when it is tested. Obviously Hashem has a plan. How else can we live in such a terrible world if we don’t believe??

  13. This is terrible. We really need to increase our Torah, Tefilla, Tzedaka, and most importantly, keep the Achdus we all shared the last two weeks. However, as painful as this is, and it is extremely painful, how can we question the Ribono Shel Olam, on an open blog no less?!! We need to sit and listen to our Daas Torah, not Chas Vsholom talk against the Ribino Shel Olam. Mr. Moderator this is “Yeshiva World” Posts such as those of 16 and 17 have no place on your website. please remove them.

  14. This disgusting crime sickens me to no end. But more than that those that are writing that Hashem, chas vshalom, abandoned us!? I know we are all upset and hurting but that is kefirah mamash. We don’t understand, thats true, but don’t cast off the only place we have left to turn.
    Let us stop, breathe, use our seichel, see what our Rabbonim and Gedolim have to say before we make baheimas out of ourselves.

  15. I had so much in between time to pray for them and i didnt:(
    i could have prayed so much more. i feel so faulted:(

  16. You can live in the real world. You are right though, believing makes it better. Just ask any kid who loses a tooth

  17. @#17 OhTeeDee: No! Chas V’shalom. That’s not what I meant. As soon as the boys were captured, I said Hashem is sending us messages. It has nothing to do with the fact that these innocent boys were killed. Even had they come back home alive, it still would have been a message from Hashem. And it’s not just this situation I’m referring to. All the terrible things that are happening in Israel and around the world. Hashem wants us to do teshuvah!
    Please don’t say Hashem is doing nothing. We just don’t understand everything. This is a tragedy for our whole nation – no doubt about it.
    And YES – it’s time for revenge!

  18. To liveanightmare OhTeeDee nobody is saying any thing but we are all very sad that a war on the torah conducted through the Dati Leumi ended now with a very sad ending

  19. @liveanightmare and @OhTeeDee- shame on you! where is your faith! The second we get an answer you don’t like, it’s all “Hashem isn’t listening, Hashem has embarrassed us, Hashem isn’t doing anything for us”. You sound like those poor people after the holocaust who managed to survive gehenom but who lost all faith… I’m sorry, this is a terrible tragedy, a truly terrible one, but it doesn’t even compare with the holocaust, and many, many people managed to come out of that with their faith intact. Shame on the 2 of you. This is not the way to respond to a tragedy. You woke up today and your body works? Hashem is there. How dare you say that all our tefillos were for nothing just because you didn’t get the outcome you desired. Yes, we are devastated with this news, but it goes NOWHERE to prove whether there is a Hashem or not, and whether he is looking after us or not. Sometimes we get a no, but a no is an answer too. I’m sorry for the two of you that you are unable to see that. What a lonely way to go through life, believing that everything depends on us little humans, that Hashem can’t handle it all just fine on His own. Everything’s for a reason, whether you see it or not, and the tremendous achdus K’lal Yisroel displayed can NEVER be wasted.

  20. Ezlev, are you serious? They were probably killed within the hour of the kidnapping. Does anyone here think they could have changed this outcome?

  21. OhTeeDee, we could have never found the bodies, think what that would have done to the families. B’H for this much. Eventually they can find closure and hopefully peace at some time.

  22. Suggestions that Israel take action are not connected in any way to kfirah or lack of faith. We are given our lives to lead, following the ways of Hashem. We were guided by the Torah to wage war when it became needed, and it is foolish to sit back and simply wait for HKB”H’s hashgocho. Without a doubt, anything we do needs Syatta Dishmaya in order to be effective, and this requires our being connected to HKB”H through Torah, Avoda, and Gemilus Chassodim.

    I personally believe that our Avodas Hashem is weakened by our times. Tefiloh is treated by too many as a necessary chore, one that must be fulfilled to get onto other things. Torah is treated by yeshivos as competitive. Our mosdos are far more interested in their images than in preparing their talmidim to succeed in life with Torah taking whatever role is most fitting for each one of them. Gemilus Chassodim has become a target of marketers. Larger organizations make honorees as ways to draw additional funds and donors, not recognition of anything real. Others make expensive publicity stunts and/or publications, telling the innocent public that they are the exclusive providers of yeshuos. Even our gedolim have been snared into this disgraceful trap.

    There is nothing wrong with suggesting that Israel use the might it has gained with Syatta Dishmaya (not the kochi ve’otzem yodi stuff), and punish the perpetrating community severely for this. That is the only language these savages understand. Meanwhile, we need to correct ourselves in a major way, to make our Avodas Hashem more real. An overhaul is sorely needed. I wish our leaders could give us this guidance.

  23. 857- you tell your children the truth, which is “sometimes Hashem says ‘no'”. we tried to do the best we could to bring zechusim to help these boys and that is wonderful. But, Hashem decreed that it should be this way. that’s not fun and it’s not happy, but, it’s the truth.

  24. Updates about this horrific tragedy came out, and I feel like for many of us, instead of letting the deep sadness, pain, and loss overtake us, we put forth all the anger we had towards the enemy. However, since we can’t physically reach or harm the enemy, we tried to find somewhere else to put all that anger, all that pain. We need to put our blame somewhere, so some turn to blame Hashem, because Hashem can’t physically talk to us, to tell us why. Why for this, or any other tragedy that has happened. I was feeling a lot of anger towards the enemy, and towards Hashem when I first heard the terrible news. But through reading some of the comments on here, I realized that yes, sometimes Hashem will NOT say ‘Yes’ to our prayers. But He has His reasons. And just because I’m not so close to Him, and my Emunah isn’t so strong, doesn’t mean I need to feel all this hate towards my Creator who is keeping me alive and breathing. And yes, once I understood that, the sadness and pain were overflowing, but it made me see clearly. It is up to us, B’nei Yisorel, to keep fighting, and to continue to believe in Him. Don’t listen to the hate inside of you, listen to the sounds of your tefilos, because we need to keep praying for whatever may come ahead.

  25. Sinanjewm youot it all wrong. Hashem told Shaul to wipe them all out and he didn’t. You still hold onto your liberal values and say we should not become animals like them. How do you deal with animals in your home? I call the exterminator.

  26. #31 sb10 – Are you G-d’s bookkeeper, to say that this sad ending is on account of, as you put it, “a war on the “Torah conducted through the Dati Leumi”? How about looking at it as Moshe Rabeinu did, and say that these precious boys were chosen because “Bikrovai Ekadesh” – I will be sanctified by the sacrifice of those who are closest to me? After all, who are we to judge G-d’s motives?

    How about keeping away from the incendiary comments for at least a few days – you can honor the memory of these Kedoshim in that way.

    an Israeli Yid

  27. condolences.
    Though.. not a word in “the media” about all the bodies the u.s. authorities leave laying around…
    precision anti-Semitism.

  28. Does anyone here think they could have changed this outcome?
    by OhTeeDee on 2014-06-30 at 2:21 pm

    There is an alternate universe in which they were not killed – prayer is one of many forces that can coerce one specific world of events into becomming the particular universe with which our conscious reality is linked. Imagine every moment of every day. How many events didn’t even happen in the universe of our reality because of someone’s positive hope and influence. There is a universe in which the boys were not even kidnapped at all, but that version of reality didn’t have enough support…

  29. NO Tefilloh goes in vain – 15’000 soldiers in the most difficult and dangerous action and no one hurt – was that not in the zechus of our tefillos?!

  30. to #32 ….please don’t be so harsh on those two posters. I don’t think Hashem would want that. people cannot help how they feel, but others can try to help them understand things better – but only when spoken to in a gentle. loving way. perhaps you can reach out to them in a more positive way and that can be one more zechus for klal Yisrael in this most difficult time.

  31. And to # 31…in all due respect, i do not think your comment earned a zechus for klal Yisrael. if we cannot stick with the achdus and ahavas chinam of the last eighteen days, chas v’shalom, then Hashem may be sorely disappointed in us. let Hashem decide who is right and wrong – we are only humans and cannot know. please consider a retraction – that will be one more zechus for klal Yisrael in this most difficult time.

  32. Gold, you have a point, but that was pure kefirah going on, on a frum post, with hundreds of readers. Such a thing can’t be ignored or treated gently. Kefirah like that doesn’t have a place here.

  33. To #40 / 613mind:

    Though you may feel that you are not close to him, never forget that he is close to you. All you have to do is reach out.

  34. To #50. I am not a Rabbi so I cannot give a halachic ruling on this, but in this forum when someone seems so despondent and upset, it may be better to treat the person gently because you don’t know what else is going on his or her life.

  35. Read Tehillim in English to fully understand Dovid Hamelech. He davened to Hashem and also sought vengeance on Jewish Enemies and their families. Time to make it so.

  36. Gold #49

    I was actually enthused to see the achdus that appeared in tefilos etc. I am a skeptic, much as I wish to be more hopeful. Klal Yisroel has experienced tragedies before. We united in many ways, and have watched tefilos with kavvanah and fervor span the groups of Klal Yisroel, as well as circle the globe. The cynical side warns me that if we do not undertake a serious mission to repair our hashkofos, we will resume the same patterns we have had thus far. Our second churban Beis Hamikdosh was for sin’as chinom. Have we ever learned our lesson from that? Really? Show me a single community that exudes achdus. Name that chassidus. The yeshivishe velt has its issues, as well. In nearly every shul and community there is something. I do not expect to find perfection anywhere. But the aftermath of this tragedy will not reunite the factions of Satmar, Bobov, or Ponovezh. Our chinuch system is failing dismally. No, don’t bother me with the numbers of successes. I, too, emerged from that system. But there are many hundreds of kids today that cannot get into a yeshiva anywhere (and money is not the answer). Just what percentage of mispallelim in your shul actually daven with focus on HKB”H? I want answers to solve, not who to blame. I want something besides tragedies to wake up Klal Yisroel to fulfill the mandate that HKB”H placed us here to accomplish. I will NOT retract my statement. I want better. I want every ear in Klal Yisroel to hear the message that we are asleep at the switch. Just do the ratzon Hashem, not so much to ask. Abandon all the other things we have assumed as targets of worship, our homes, our cars, our mosdos, our wealth, our families, the avodah zarahs that make up the current century. The Chidushei Ha”Rim comments that we use tefiloh completely incorrectly. We use it to tell HKB”H what we want. We should be using that connection to ask HKB”H to show us what he wants from us.

    Does it take terrible things happening to make Yidden unite? Maybe we seek the direction from our gedolim to help us accomplish this. We are wasting their existence for us by using them only for photos, or having their names as marketing tools. I know my remarks are painful to hear, but if one Yid gets scared straight, something will have been gained.

  37. I don’t have all the answers, but a simple way to start is to not judge other people. That is Hashem’s job. We should each pay attention to ourselves – to see how we can improve in our own avodas Hashem. We should not be looking at others and saying what they should improve on. Also I think it would be helpful if we would be courteous and respectful to everyone we encounter during our daily routine. If everyone treats the next person pleasantly – no matter where they are standing in the religious spectrum, and no matter whether they are Jewish or not – perhaps it will have a ripple effect throughout our communities. There were bumper stickers that said “BRING BACK OUR BOYS.” Perhaps someone can print out others that say “BRING BACK OUR ACHDUS – and don’t ever let it leave again.”

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