TRAGEDY IN LAKEWOOD: 3-Year-Old R”L Struck & Killed By Car In Driveway [UPDATED 7:00PM PM]

candle914Tragedy has struck the Lakewood community, when a 3-year-old girl was R”L struck and killed by a vehicle in a driveway. As YWN reported earlier, Lakewood Hatzolah received the calls around 2:00PM, and volunteers arrived on the scene moments later – finding the toddler in traumatic arrest. Hatzolah Paramedics did everything the could to save her life, and transported her to the Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus. She was R”L pronounced dead shortly after arriving at the hospital.

Sources tell YWN that the child was walking with her parent, when someone turned into a driveway striking the child.

Police are on the scene, and an investigation is underway.

No further information is available at this time.

UPDATE: The Levaya for Yocheved Abraham (daughter of Reb Yaakov) will be held this evening (Thursday) 7-7:30PM, at the 7th Street Chapel in Lakewood, NJ.

Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

10 Responses

  1. Nobody knows what happened yet and to speculate would be irresponsible. But everyone should take it upon themselves to turn off their cell phone when they get into their cars. There is no way you can concentrate on the road while speaking even in hands free mode . Make a sign and post it on your dashboard “. Turn off phone “

  2. “pashut says:
    May 22, 2014 at 5:06 pm

    Nobody knows what happened yet and to speculate would be irresponsible.”

    So don’t speculate.

  3. children dying is one of the curses mentioned in the tochacha. children dont die for their own sins they die for the sins of others. let us all strenthen our avodas hashem so we can honestly say ” ידנו לא שפך הדם הזה״

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