Levaya of R’ Nosson Kranz Z”L

candle77.gifWe regret to inform you of the Petira of R’ Nathan Kranz Z”L (Nosson Nuta B”R Aryeh Leib) – a Telzer Talmid. The Levaya will take place at t Shomrei Hachomos 4218 Ft Hamilton Pkwy 2:00PM on Tisha B’av.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…..

4 Responses

  1. Reb Nosson Nuta was a wonderful, warm, tayirah yid who greeted everyone with a smile. He was in the plumbing business. A mumche who was scruplessly honest. I hear that the family is sitting shiva at a daughter on East 16th Street in Brooklyn. Does anyone know the details?
    When davening is?
    Yehi zichro baruch

  2. Mr. Kranz Zt”l was a very speacial person. I am a plumber too. When i was starting out in the plumbing bussiness i was stuck on a job, Mr Kranz was working on the same block i met him outside and i told him my problem. He came down to the job spent a good half hour with me and showed me how to complete the job. PS he did not asf for money as a matter of fact he refused to take money from me. I leaned alot from that experiance and have followed in his ways in that aspect untill this very day.
    Yehay Zichro Baruch

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