LAKEWOOD HIT BY TWO TRAGEDIES ON EREV PURIM: Sudden Petira Of 9 Year-Old, And 38 Year-Old

candle914YWN regrets to inform our readers of two tragedies which struck the Lakewood community on Erev Purim 5774.

The first tragedy is the sudden Petira of 9-year-old Eliyahu Eliezer Raitzik Z”L, son of Reb Shabsi. Hatzolah rushed to the boy’s home around 7:30 AM Friday morning when he failed to wake up. Resuscitation efforts by Hatzolah Paramedics were unfortunately unsuccessful.

He was 4th grade student in Yeshivah Bais Aharon.

The Levaya will be taking place at 3:30 PM this afternoon at the Bais Medrash Hayashon BMG. The Kevurah will take place in Lakewood.

The other tragedy is the Petira of 38-year-old Reb Shloime Zalman Rosengarten Z”L who was Niftar this morning after suffering a cardiac arrest earlier this week. He was resuscitated by Hatzolah, and taken to a hospital. Tragically, he never recovered, and was Niftar this morning.

He leaves behind a wife and several children.

The Levaya will be taking place at BMG at 2 PM. Kevurah will be in Eretz Yisroel.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

(Reporting By TLS And YWN)

6 Responses

  1. BDE

    I CRY TO HASHEM, why does this need to happen in the middle of adar-a time of Simcha? why can’t we face reality as a nation & confess to Hashem that we get his wake-up call for teshuva?

    it brings tragic tears to my eyes, as I write this, wishing we would finally do teshuva & could’ve prevented this from Happening.

    don’t you think after 2 major local tragedies-in a matter of hours (besides endless tzaros worldwide) its time we finally faced reality & did teshuva together as a nation?

    Thank you YWN for keeping me updated with the latest news

    May their Neshamos have a major Aliyah

  2. #2 – BDE: it is Heartbreaking these tragedies. You mentioned that u wish the Klal would do Teahuvah, however the best thing -you as an individual- can do right now that may prevent tragedies from happening, is to dig deep inside yourself and see what You can improve. It is true we All want that the whole Klal should do Teshuvah, but as a matter of fact, it all begins by ourselves. May hashem bring us the geulah bekurov.

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