Levaya of Rebbitzen Nachamchik A”H

candle72.gifWe regret to inform you of the levaya of Rebbitzen Nechamchik, A”H, the wife of long time R”M in Mirrer Yeshiva (N Y) Harav Hagaon R’ Nachman Nachamchik, ZT”L.

The levaya will take place today, Erev Shabbos at Shomrei Hachomos 4218 Ft. Hamilton Parkway, Brooklyn 11:30 AM. The Levaya in Eretz Yisroel will take place 7:30 at Shamgar in Yerushalayim.

May she be a meilitz yosher for her choshuva mishpocha, and may we only have simchas.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

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