Levaya of Rabbi Naftoli Borchardt Z”L of Bensonhurst, Brooklyn

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Rabbi Naftoli Menachem Borchardt Z”L of Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. He was 71.

The Niftar was a longtime resident of the Frum community in Bensonhurst, spending much of his life engrossed in learning in the Bais Hamedrash of Yeshivas Bais HaTalmud. He was a longtime Rebbe at Camp Agudah.

His father, Rav Boruch Borchardt was the longtime Executive Director of Agudath Israel of America.

He is survived by his brothers, Rabbi Yitzchok and Rabbi Yanki Borchardt; his wife Mrs Faygie nee Handelsman, children: Mrs Gitty Tillim, Mrs Shaindy Goldberg, son Reuvain, Miriam and Mrs Sori Moskowitz.

The levayah for Rabbi Naftoli Borchardt will be held at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday at Yeshiva Bais Hatalmud, 2127 82nd Street, Brooklyn, NY.

Kevurah will be in Lakewood

Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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