Petira Of HaRav Mordechai Rennert ZATZAL, Rosh Yeshiva Derech Chaim

candle914YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of HaRav Mordechai Rennert ZATZAL, the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Derech Chaim in Brooklyn, who was Niftar on Friday night.

The Levaya will take place tomorrow, Sunday morning, 9 Adar I, February 9th2014, at 11:00 am in the Yeshiva, 1573 39th Street, Brooklyn, New York,
The Levaya will be carried by Kol Halashon.
Dial 718-906-6400
Press * for “Live Shiurim“
And choose “Hespedim“ from the menu to hear the Levaya while in session..

The Rosh Yeshiva leaves a void and gap that can never be filled. His pashtus was his gadlus.

Yehi Zichro Boruch.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

5 Responses

  1. BDE
    this is horrific & tragic. our Gedolim are leaving us on a weekly basis & its just getting worse R”L. do you remember just a few years ago-before this mageifa of Gedolim started-when we only heard once or twice a year c”v that a tzaddik was niftar?

    look at these last 11 gedolim that were recently niftar, & look at the dates & young ages they were niftar in a matter of only 8 weeks?

    Rabbi Shimon Cohen of Ashdod ZT”L,-Rosh Yeshivas Torah Ohr-December 8 2013-67

    HaRav Binyamin Batzri ZT”L-Rosh Yeshivat Beit Yosef & Rabbi of Kiryat Chareidis-December 16 2013-57

    the Sokolover-Kotzker Rebbe, Rav Mendel Meir Morgenstern zt”l, -December 23 2013-92

    Rav Asher Zelig Rubenstein zt”l,-rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Toras Simcha in Yerushalayim-December 29 2013-71.

    Rav Ephraim Greenblatt zt”l, the Revivos Ephraim-renowned senior posek and longtime rov of Memphis, Tennessee.-January 3, 2014-81

    Rav Yaakov Galinsky zt”l-the Maggid Meisharim. Of Bnei B’rak-January 22 2014-93 Rav Yitzchok Landau zt”l,-R”M in Yeshivas Chevron in Yerushalayim,-January 25 2014-59.

    Rav Avrohom Elyashiv zt”l,-the youngest son of Maran Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv zt”l, & rov of the famed caravan bais medrash, Tiferes Bachurim, in Meah Shearim-January 29 2014- 71.

    Dayan Gershon Lopian zt”l -rov of the Yeshurun
    Shul in Edgware, England -January 30 2014-73. (grandson of the famed mashgiach, Rav Elya Lopian zt”l.)

    Rabbi Meshulam Fisch Rothenberg-the Kosson Rebbe ZT”L in Bnei Brak – February 1 2014

    HaGaon HaRav Chaim Rom ZT”L- February 3 2014-86
    Rosh Kollel Halacha L’Moshe in Mattersdorf, Yerushalayim

    is it even POSSIBLE for someone to say this is coincidence?
    will WE EVER start doing teshuva?

    I’m sorry to be the one to say this & it bring tears to my eyes, but righteous tzaddikim don’t belong staying in a world of people who won’t do teshuva, they belong with Hashem & his shechina in olam Haba.

    If we want to Hashem to give us these Tzaddikim to guide us through the generation then we need to listen to them %100 & we need to do teshuva to be deserving of their guidance & Torah.

    May we all start doing Teshuva ASAP before any other Tzaddikim are niftar C”V

  2. First gedolim, now roshei yeshivos? Our nation is about to go through some terrible events which I’m too scared to even mention!

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