Baruch Dayan Emmes: The Kosson Rebbe ZT”L

candle914Baruch Dayan Emmes, Rabbi Meshulam Fisch Rothenberg, the Kosson Rebbe ZT”L was niftar on motzei Shabbos Parshas Terumah 5774 in Bnei Brak. The rebbe lived in the United States for many years, where he was actively engaged in kiruv.

During recent years the rebbe lived in Bnei Brak and fought declining health. He was a resident of Shikun Hey.

The levaya began on motzei Shabbos at 23:14 from his beis medrash at 15 Chirlson Street and continued to Yerushalayim for kvura on Har HaZeisim.


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. The Rebbe Ztl was one of the first lights of Chasidus in New York that sought to reach out to others. American born, he brought many closer to Hashem with warmth and caring. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for a Yied. Yet he never compromised on even the smallest minhag, and was zocha to see wonderful children who follow in his holy footsteps. He taught Torah to generations of youngsters in several Mosdos and was an asken for many different communal organisations.
    He was truly someone that offered many an example of Torah and Chasidous in a time when America was first establishing Torah and its mosdos.

  2. Baruch Dayan HaEmes

    it brings tears to my eyes to write this-as I see us losing our greatest leaders in klal yisroel-when you know this tragic loss could’ve been avoided if we did teshuva earlier.
    What a tragedy-& loss- we caused cause we cant get our act together & do teshuva WHAT ARE WE ALL WAITING FOR?
    Perhaps we are not appreciating these Gedolei Hador that Hashem has sent us to lead & guide us in this world. i.e. when someone takes something for granted & doesn’t give the proper thanks, then it gets taken away from us. are we listening to our gedolei Hador & their guidance? when they make takanos-for our good-to help us return to Hashem & become better?
    May all of Klal yisroel start doing teshuva NOW-before tragedy strikes again C”V-& THEN mashiach will come b’karov

    tragic unbelieveable & horrific numbers,
    in the past 3 Years since the tragic loss of Leiby Kletzky, we have loss over 100 gedolei Hador-all leaders of klal yisroel throughout the world-with many of them niftar in their 70,s or 80’s
    this is a plague of loss of gedolim with no stop ahead R”L
    until this mageifa ends?
    for a complete list of these gedolim with the date Niftar , their young ages niftar & where they were rav/rebbe etc… in klal yisroel just leave your email in a reply

    Anyone know how old he was when he was niftar?

    May his neshama have an aliya

  3. Every generation says same thing but yet we go on with new younger leaders. Never fear the time for redemption is near

  4. to #6
    I totally agree with you BUT your missing the point. never in decades-or even centuries-Have so many leaders in klal yisroel left us behind in SUCH A SHORT SPAN OF TIME.

    do you think this is just a coincidence? or do we agree the fact we all know, that there is no such thing as coincidence? i.e. every tragedy has a wake-up message straight from Hashem

    May Hashem help you see the Yad Hashem & come to realize that nothing is coincidence

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