Baruch Dayan Emmes: Rabbi Shalom Abarjil

candle914Rabbi Shalom Abarjil z”l, 60, was niftar on Sunday 18 Shevat 5774 after a difficult illness. Rav Abarjil was known by some as the Rav of Shechem for his tireless battle to permit Jews access to Kever Yosef after Israel handed it over to the PA (Palestinian Authority).

The rav had a kehilla in the Amishav neighborhood of Petach Tikvah. However, the access to Kever Yosef was his most important project and he devoted his time and effort to keeping the tziyun accessible to Yidden wishing to be mispallel. It is reported that the rav was saved from many attacks by terrorists during efforts to visit the kever. He remained determined however, unwilling to be scared off by the attacks.

The levaya began at 4:15 PM in the Segulah Beis Chaim in Petach Tikvah.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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