Tragedy in Bnei Brak: Toddler Killed at Crosswalk

candle73.gifA 21-month-old was struck and killed by a garbage truck at a Bnei Brak crosswalk on Monday morning at the intersection of Nafcha and Shomer Streets.

According to the preliminary investigation, a 7-year-old sister was pushing Akiva Porush in his carriage in an authorized crosswalk when a garbage truck struck the stroller. Akiva was not secured and he fell out, and was then crushed under the rear wheels of the garbage truck. He died a short time after of his massive injuries. The children’s mother was present, witnessing the horrific site.

The family is known in the Leluv chassidic community.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. boruch dayan haemes.
    again , unfortunately, for those involved and all the friends a child is lost because of poor supervision.
    every where, where children (and it applies to adults just as well),appropriate attention must be given to the children and adults too.
    hatzalah screams constantly that the extra ounce of precaution save lives.
    this means ie.
    being strapped in properly;
    wearing helmets when required;
    driving defensively;
    avoid road rage;
    golf carts are to be driven cautiously;
    candles are monitered and placed in safe places;

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