Flatbush: Petirah of Rebetzin Malka Katz

candle914We regret to inform the tzibur of the petirah of Rebbetzin Malka Katz. Rebbetzin Katz was the wife of Harav Aharon Aryeh Katz zt’l of Flatbush, and the daughter of the Faltichaner Rebbe, Harav Eluzer Twersky zt”l.

Since 1952, the Rebbetzin, together with the Rov built Khal Bais Aharon, and later established Yeshiva Be’er Mordechai. Many current Ba’alei Teshuva and dignitaries have passed through the doors of Be’er Mordechai.

The Rebetzin single-handedly saved many refugees from harm during the dark days of Hitler Y”Msh. She hosted and fed hundreds of refugees, who ate and slept in her father’s shul in Bucharest. She arranged visas for hundreds of people to leave Communist Romania to the free world.

She left behind a dor of prominent Rabbonim and marbitzei Torah in Flatbush , as well as other communities USA and Eretz Yisrael.

The levaya will be held in the shul, Khal Bais Aharon 1670 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, NY Between Avenues K-L at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, Zayin Teves. Shiva will be observed at the same location.

Boruch Dayan Ha’Emmes…

One Response

  1. I was defending the Mitzvah of respecting my Mother, and my witness was Hashem, who was with me all the time. My Father never knew what happened to his wife, at the kindergarten, and I am grateful to Hashem for that.

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