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Baruch Dayan Emmes: Rav Chaim Elazar Rabinovich Z”L; Brother Of Munkatch Rebbe

candle914After a short illness and difficult yisurim, the word has come from Hadassah Hospital on Wednesday, 12 Cheshvan 5774 of the petira of Rav Chaim Elazar Rabinovich Z”L. The niftar was born in Poland on Purim תרצ”ט and was the second son of HaRav Baruch Yehoshua Yerachmiel Rabinovich ZT”L, who served as Av Beis Din in Munkatch.

The niftar learned in Telz Yeshiva in Cleveland, Ohio and was a talmid muvhak of HaGaon HaRav Mordechai Gifter ZT”L. He spent a good portion of his life working on the writings of his elders, especially Rav Shlomo of Munkatch as well as other previous admorim.

He is survived by two children; HaRav Yosef Asher Shlita who lives in New York and Moras Finkelstein, the rebitzen of the well known philanthropist from Antwerp. He is also survived by his brother the Admor of Munkatch Shlita and his brother the Admor of Dinov Shlita and a sister who is married to Rav Tzvi Williamovsky.

The levaya began at 3:00PM from Yoel Street, Beis Medrash Minchas Elazar of Munkatch and kvura was in Har HaZeisim near the kever of his mother who was the daughter of the Minchas Elazar ZY”A.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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