Petira of Mrs Chaya Gaon A”H

candle71.gifWe regret to inform you of the Petira of Mrs. Chaya Gaon A”H – mother of Batya Klein (Chicago), Yaffa Katz (Chicago), Ruthi Haibi (NY), Avraham Shammah (NY), Saadia Aliza & Shauli Gaon (Chicago).

The Levaya will take place in Chicago at 11:30AM on Sunday morning at Rabbi Raccah’s Shul, in NY Kennedy International Airport at the ELAL Cargo area 9:30 PM, and the Kevura will be on Monday evening at Har HaMenuchos in Eretz Yisroel.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

3 Responses

  1. Mrs. Gaon z’l was a wonderful and valued member of our Sephardi kehilla, the Oshel Shalom Torah Center in Chicago. She will be greatly missed. May her memory be for a blessing!

  2. An incredibly special person despite enduring numerous hardships throughout her life. BD”H

    Does anyone know how she was nifteres?

  3. #2, She had been fighting yenna machla for about 10 months. She was nifteres Shaboos afternoon her petira was very peacefull, one of her son-in-laws made kiddush for her about half hour before her petera.
    The previous Shabbos her entire family was with her.

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