Baruch Dayan Emes: Eliyahu Weber

candle74.gifYeshiva bachur Yekusiel Zalman Weber, 20, a student at the Tifrach Yeshiva, was niftar in Yerushalayim’s Bikur Cholim Hospital on Wednesday morning. Weber fell from the roof of his parent’s building while he was disassembling the family sukka several months ago – as reported HERE on YWN.

Yekutiel was a student in the Negev area yeshiva, described as a serious learner. He was initially transported to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital and several months later, he was transferred to Bikur Cholim. He was buried on Wednesday in Har Menuchos Cemetery.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. its a great loss to klal yisroel when a boy of this nature passes away.
    unfortunately the parents have been suffering since his fall from the roof;may they be cmforted by the words of nechomo; hamokem y’nachem eschem b’soch aveilei tzion v;yerusalayim vlo yosefu l’dava od.

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