AGAIN: Beersheva Infant Becomes the Latest Vehicular Death Victim

mdac2A 3-year-old boy became the latest victim of vehicular death as he was found in cardiac arrest in a parked vehicle in Beersheva on Sunday, 5 Elul 5773. In this case it appears the child climbed into the vehicle and locked himself inside. By the time he was found he was without a pulse. Paramedics began CPR and advanced cardiac life support but it was too late. It is not known how long the child was in the vehicle before he was discovered. The incident occurred on HaTzaddik Street in the southern city.

The child was transported to Soroka Medical Center as advanced cardiac life support continued but doctors pronounced him dead after it became evident that they were too late in this case.

The parents are in their 20s, and the young boy was their only child. They are immigrants from Ethiopia. Police questioned the mother and father to determine if the car was left unlocked.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. This is rediculous. How could some one with 1 kid not know where their kid is for such an extended period of time??? They should be arrested immediately and charged with manslaughter

  2. The child had a cardiac arrest, he was not slaughtered. You are most probably missing the story’s details, although I do share your pain and the pain of the parents. Lets pray that Hashem will protect all of the yiddishe kinderlach at all times even if we don’t deserve it.

  3. And they say that it’s a shidduch crisis. I cry from you. It’s a head issue as you can see from this. People are not mature enough yet to get married or to have kids. People need to be more responsible first, then get married and have kids.

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