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Levaya of Rebbetzin Tzippy Rabinowitz A”H

candle914YWN regrets to inform you of the Petirah of Rebbetzin Tzippy Rabinowitz A”H, the wife of Rav Moshe Rabinowitz, the Menahel of Yeshiva Keren Hatorah and Morah D’asra of Tiferes Shimon, who was Niftar a short time ago following a lengthy illness.

The Levaya will be taking place tentatively at 4:30 p.m. at Yeshivah Ketana (2nd Street between Lexington Avenue and Monmouth Avenue). The Aron will then be flown to Eretz Yisroel for Kevurah.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

(With reporting by TLS)

One Response

  1. wish we would all do teshuva already so the tzaros in klal yisroel could stop already.

    what are we waiting for?

    may her nashama have an aliya.
    A tzadaikes we can all learn from.

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