Sudden Petira of Rav Yitzchok (Edwin) Katzenstein Z”L, Pillar of KAJ in Washington Heights

YWN regrets to inform you of the sudden Petira of Rav Yitzchok (Edwin) Katzenstein Z”L, he was 82.

His passing leaves the Washington Heights community in shock, as he was a pillar of the KAJ Kehilla.

Rav Katzenstein resided in the Washington Heights “Breuers” community. He and was a Mohel was the head of the Chevra Kaddisha, as well as a tremendous Talmid Chochom.

Sources tell YWN that Rabbi Katzenstein suddenly collapsed on Friday night during Seudas Shabbos. Hatzolah of Washington Heights found him in cardiac arrest and attempted to revive him. Unfortunately, he was Niftar.

The Levaya is on Sunday morning at 11:00AM at Congregation K’hal Adath Jeshurun in Washington Heights. The Kevura is in Clifton, NJ.

Boruch Dayan HaEmmes….

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. He was a stalwart of the old Yekisher way of life and yet very much living in the present day and age. A very special yid whose presence will be sorely missed by all who were lucky enough to know him.

  2. Halavai he would have been able to bring some of the present day and age to Washington Heights. Maybe more people would still live there.

  3. We shall for ever, sorely miss his incredible rendition of Yom-Kippur Schacharis, as well as Erev Rosh-haShono Selichos, and sorely miss his presence.

  4. They have a vibrant and contemporary Elementary School that attracts children from an array of places, which he was very much a part of overseeing. The reason people don’t live there is because of the cost and lack of space since they live in apartments. If someone doesn’t want the yekkishe davening, there are other places to daven.

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