Rebbetzin Sasa Blumah Jurkanski A”H

candle914YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of of Rebbetzin Sasa Blumah Jurkanski A”H, the wife of Hagon HaRav Eliyahu Jurkanski ZATZAL, Rosh Yeshiva and Maggid Shiur in the Mirrer Yeshiva for many decades.

The Levaya will be held at the Mirrer Yeshiva, Ocean Parkway and Avenue R, at 2:15PM.

Rebbetzin Jurkanski is survived by her children Rav Avrohom Jurkanski (Rosh Chaburah in BMG) Rav Reuven Jurkanski; Rav Ezriel Jurkanski (Magid Shiur in Yeshiva Torah Temimah), Reb Chaim Shaul (Noted askan in Lakewood) and Mrs. Malkah Lobel.

The Kervura will be held in Erertz Yisroel, on Ha Hamenuchos.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

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