Levaya Of Reb Yosef Goldstein Z”L

candle914Rabbi Yosef Goldstein, the veteran educator and master storyteller who inspired generations of young and old with his memorable stories and parables, passed away Thursday, 23 Adar 5773.

He was 85.

For over 30 years he has worked as Associate Principal of Bais Yaakov elementary school of Boro Park. Tens of thousands of young students have benefited from his kindly guidance and instruction.

Rabbi Goldstein also spearheaded numerous educational projects, among them hosting the popular radio show, “Tzivos Hashem on the Air” which he hosted for 10 consecutive years for Jewish children throughout the U.S.

But it was his stories that he was most known for and which defined the world of Jewish storytelling and inspired generations of young and old with his memorable stories and parables, conveyed in a wholesome and captivating manner.

Affectionately known as Uncle Yossi, he released some 14 audio tape cassettes with over 50 stories and songs relating the eternal ethics and morals of our people.

Ever since releasing his first record in 1972, with the blessings and encouragement of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Goldstein has become a household name, almost a legend, amongst youngsters throughout the Jewish world.

He carefully blended stories, parables and tales of Tzaddikim in the albums which were geared to instill love for Hashem, the Torah and the Jewish people, the three pillars of Yiddishkeit, in the minds and hearts of youngsters.

“Joyfully, I raise my hands to Hashem to thank Him for the merit of having been able to devote my life’s energies to the field of Chinuch al Taharas HaKodesh, Torah-true Jewish education,” he once commented.

“Words cannot express how gratifying it is to behold hundreds of Jewish children, on occasion, even thousands of them, all pure Jewish neshomos, proudly pointing in all directions as they declare in song their firm Emunah that ‘Hashem Is Truly Everywhere’.”

For many years later, Rabbi Goldstein continued to be involved in Jewish outreach and education, in Poway, California, where he resided in recent years.

He is survived by his children: R’ Aron Goldstein – Ann Arbor, MI; R’ Sholom Ber Goldstein – Crown Heights; R’ Yitzchok Goldstein – Madrid Spain; R’ Levi Goldstein – Crown Heights, R’ Mendel Goldstein – Crown Heights, Mrs. Toby Lieder – Sydney, Australia; R’ Yisroel Goldstein – Poway, CA; Mrs. Leah Perl – Los Angeles, CA; Mrs. Shternie Ulman – Sydney, Australia and R’ Zalman Goldstein – Monsey, NY; grandchildren and great grandchildren.

The Levaya will take place on Friday at Shomrei Hadas in boro Park, and will be passing 770 at 10:45 on the way to Kevura.

Baruch dayan haemes.

4 Responses

  1. Boruch Dayan Huemes.

    The hebrew date should be corrected to 25th Adar (Yom shenivro huoilom according to Reb Yehoshua)

  2. As of 1:34 P.M. Thursday 25 Adar, I spoke to the niftar’s son and he was not sure this time is correct. The Niftar has to be brought here from Cakifornia. It all depends on when the body arrives in NY.

  3. Uncle Yossi is also survived by 2 brothers & 1 sister.
    His older brother Shlomo who lives in Baltimore,
    His younger brother Dovid who lives in Sefas
    His sister Morah Dena Rosengarten who lives in Boro Park. May he be a Malitz Yosher for his Mishpacha & Gantz Klall Yisroel

  4. To add on to BBUBBEE’s comment:
    His older brother in baltimore knows about Uncle Yossi, but the other siblings do NOT know yet, and their children may not tell them until…..

    Please do contact them without first speaking to their children


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