Petirah of Esther Rotenberg A”H Of New York And Yerushalayim

With great sorrow, we announce the petirah of our dear mother, Mrs. Esther Rotenberg – Auerbach nee Feldman.

A woman of deep faith and wisdom, Esther possessed a deep love of Hashem and his Torah and took great joy in the accomplishments of her learned sons, Rav Yechezkel Auerbach, Rav of the Ohr Sameach community of Johannesburg, South Africa and Rav Pinchas Auerbach, Rosh Yeshiva of Machon Shlomo in Yerushalayim and her daughter Yehudis Weisz, a mechaneches in Zurich, Switzerland.

In her professional life, she was an integral part of Jewish Family Services as a caseworker in downtown Brooklyn, and as a supervisor at the Boro Park branch of JFS. Esther was instrumental in mentoring and training many of the therapists who are prominent in the Jewish world today. She also served as Dean of Women at Stern College and was highly regarded by staff and students alike.

Our mother was known and beloved for her compassion, expertise and psychological insight. Her innate wisdom and love of her fellow man was part of the essence of her being.

As the matriarch of the extended Auerbach, Rotenberg and Feldman families, her loss is deeply felt by her children, grandchildren and many great-grandchildren across the globe.

Shiva is being held until this Thursday, July 19, at her home in Jerusalem, where she lived with her late husband, Alexander Rotenberg for the past 35 years, 15 Diskin Street, tel. (972) 2 5611406.

The Mishpacha.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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