Levaya of R’ Leiby Hirsch Z”L Of Flatbush

YWN regrets to inform you of the Perira of R’ Leiby Hirsch Z”L a well-known Askan in Flatbush. He was 66.

R’ Leiby was a longtime Bobover Chosid and a prominent Mispallel in Rabbi Frankel’s Shul in Flatbush.

He leaves behind his wife and children and many grandchildren.

His five children are:

Chaya Suri (Tuli) Simcha
Nechama (Dovi) Rubin
Yossi (Ricki) Hirsch
Moshe (Tobi) Hirsch
Shaindy (Yanky) Zahler

The Levaya will be at 2:30 at Yereyim Chapels in Williamsburg.

Boruch Dayan Ha’Emmes

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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