Kfar Ivim: HaRav Yehuda Haimov R”L Killed In Car Crash

HaRav Yehuda Haimov Z”L was niftar during the night after being seriously injured in a vehicular accident near Kfar Ivim in the Sderot area.

The rav was transported to Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon after the accident, which occurred at about 23:00 on motzei Shabbos on route 232. He was niftar in the hospital during the night. The levaya was held on Sunday morning 16 Shevat 5773 in Sderot, where the rav headed the Bucharin community.

Upon arrival in the hospital, transported by Magen David Adom, the rav was listed in critical condition with a massive head injury.

The chareidi community in the southern city was in shock upon hearing of the accident and subsequent petira of the young rav, who was about 40.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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