Tragic Petirah Of Tzvi Hertz Z”L

YWN regrets to inform you of the tragic Petirah of Tzvi Hertz Z’L, who was Niftar on Friday night following a sudden illness. Reb Tzvi, son of Reb Meir Hertz, was 29-years-old.

Reb Tzvi was rushed to the Hospital last Shabbos after suffering a medical emergency. He was on a respirator since. He leaves behind a wife and 4 children R”L.

Levaya information will be published when available.

Shivah will begin following Yom Tov.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

(Reporting by TLS)

4 Responses

  1. BDE

    What a tragic & sudden event to occur in the middle of Sukkos-the yom tov of happiness-or anytime for the matter.

    lakewood R”L in the last year alone has lost many young & innocent people that have left to the olam haemes at young ages & in strage ways. how many can you remember? we lost 2-13 year old boys, we lost a 37 year old Talmid chacham, we lost a 12 year old, we lost a 4 month old baby R”L. do i need to continue?…..

    HOW MANY MORE of these tragic events will need to occur C”V before we wake-up & face truth & reality. is there anyone that thinks these are just coincidence? or is Hashem calling us to wake-up & waiting for us to do teshuva (kol yisroel areivim…. i.e. this is not just for residents of lakewood Ihr Hakodesh, but for all of klal yisroel)

    it is up to each one of us to come together as a nation & return to Hashem, so these tzaros can end & hashem can return to us & bring Mashiach b’karov. Hasheivenu Hashem ailecha….

    everyones teillim was a big zchus for the neshama & made a big difference.

  2. My heart also cries out for the pain of the family, there are no words to describe the shock and sadness. BUT I do not think one should be too quick to paint a picture of sudden alarm in a community beset by tragedy. We are religious Jews who accept the opinions of Chazal and the Gemara discusses in Taanis how many deaths must occur before it is considered a plague. Lakewood is today a very large kehila, with many neighborhoods anyone of which would be considered a substantial community. May Hashem send yeshuos to all who need them, and may He give us the brains to do the right thing and fill the lives of all with simcha and mitzvos without a sense of threat and crisis!

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