Levaya Of Rav Raphael Yitzchok Lieberman Z’L

YWN regrets to inform you of the petira of Rav Raphael Yitzchok Hakohen Lieberman Z”L of Flatbush. He was 62.

R’ Raphael lived in Flatbush, where he delivered a Daf Yomi Shiur for decades. He was almost never seen without his eyes inside a Gemara, and was literally a Baki B’shas.

He battled an illness for the past few years until his Petira on Motzei Shabbos.

He leaves behind a Mishpacha of Bnei Torah all following in his Derech of Hasmadah in learning and doing Chesed.

An in depth article about Reb Raphael will be published at a later date.

The Levaya will take place today Sunday, at 10:00AM at Shomrei Hadaas (39th street & 14th Ave).

Boruch Dayan Ha’Emmes…

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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