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Baruch Dayan Emmes: Rebitzen Rina Mishkovisky OB”M

Rebitzen Rina Mishkovisky (מישקובסקי ), 82, the widow of the founder of Yeshivas Knesset Chizkiyahu in Rechasim was nifteres during the night, the eve of 19 Menachem Av 5772.

Ichud Hatzalah EMTs responded and began CPR. She was transported to a Haifa hospital with the doctors terminated life-saving efforts and pronounced the rebitzen dead.

The levaya began at noon today, 20 Menachem Av from the Rechasim yeshiva and continued at 16:00 at the Shamgar Funeral Home in Yerushalayim. Kvura was on Har HaZeisim aside her late husband, Rav Dovid Z”L.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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