Levaya of Mrs. Chaya Etya Reiss A”H

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Mrs. Chaya Etya Reiss A”H, at the age of 61, after an illness R”L.

She was the wife of Reb Mahir Reiss, noted Talmid Chacham, Mechaber Seforim, and philanthropist from Flatbush.

Together with her husband, Mrs. Reiss raised a mishpacha of bnei Torah, who continue to follow in their ways.

She is survived by her parents, Mr & Mrs. Moshe and Gittel Bistricer, her husband, Reb Mahir, and their five children: son R’ Yitzchok, Mrs. Latza  Feller, Mrs. Esther Bina Wieder,  Mrs. Sara Rosenzweig, daughter Mrs. Haddasah Morell and many grandchildren.

The Levaya will take place this (Wednesday) evening at 7:00PM at Shomrei Hadas Chapels, in Boro Park, Brooklyn. The kevura will be taking place in Eretz Yisroel on Har Hamenuchos.

Boruch dayan Emmes…

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