TRAGEDY: Sudden Petirah Of R’ Akiva Eherenfeld ZATZAL – Son Of Mattesdorfer Rav [UPDATED 1:15PM EST]

YWN regrets to inform you of the sudden Petirah of Reb Akiva Eherenfeld ZATZAL, the youngest son of the Mattesdorfer Rav Shlita, who was R”L Niftar this morning at the age of 38. Lakewood Hatzolah Paramedics were summoned to his home at about 7:00 this morning after he failed to wake up.

He leaves behind a wife and nine children.

The Levaya will be in Lakewood at 3:00PM at Lakewood’s BMG, 7th Street & Private Way, and will be at Yeshiva Chasan Sofer on 50th Street and 19th Avenue (Boro Park) at 7:00PM. The Kevura will be in Eretz Yisroel.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

(Reporting by TLS / YWN)

2 Responses

  1. Boruch dayen emes I was priviliged to have known him personally he was a realy special person always a smile a good word….may his family have a nechoma be zoicha to only simchas

  2. Boruch Dayan Emes.

    YWN, please give proper honor to Rabbi Ehrenfeld ZT”L

    by spelling his last name correctly. Thank you.

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