Levaya Of HaRav Eizik Ausband ZATZAL; Rosh Yeshiva Telshe-Cleveland

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of HaRav Eizik Ausband ZATZAL, Rosh Yeshiva at Telshe-Cleveland.

Rav Ausband was not well recently, and his condition deteriorated until his Petira a short while ago.

The Levaya will be held tonight (Thursday), at 10:00PM, at the Telshe Yeshiva, 28400 Euclid Avenue in Wycliffe, Ohio.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

17 Responses

  1. He was my dear Rosh Yeshiva!! I was zoche to be one of the last people he was Mesader Kiddushin for. When I was in Telz he stood all of Yom Kippur crying!!

  2. Baruch Dayan HaEmes!
    Who could forgot the Rosh Yeshiva Zt”l’s Neeimus and Hadras Ponim he had for everyone in all of his Matzovim?

    Who could forgot the tremendous Simchas HaTorah the Rosh Yeshiva had that would envelop the entire room when he gave shiur?

    Who could forget the D’veykus BaTefillah the Rosh Yeshiva had as an humble Eved when he was Shofech Sicho L’fnei Melech Malchei HaMelochim?

    Who could forget the Rosh Yeshiva’s Yom Kippur as he stood the ENTIRE time at his Shtender davening and learning?

    The Rosh Yeshiva had a very rough Tekufah these last few years and it should serve as a Kappora for the Dor.

    HKB”H should continue to grant the Rebbitzin Tlit”a strength in this terrible loss. The Choshuveh Mishpacha and Talmidim are true Yesomim in this Ais Tzorah.

    U’Macha Hashem Elokim Dimah May’al Kol Ponim Amein V’Amein

  3. I was just emailed by an administrator in Telz that there is supposed to be an east coast levaya and details are unknown as of yet.

  4. To #1. It’s not enough to recognize we need Moshiach. We need to demonstrate that we deserve that the Almighty will send us Moshiach. The tragedies since Purim (Toulose, Rechovot, etc.) are supposed to be a wake-up call for Klal Yisroel to speak Emes, obey Mishpot and have peace between our brethren. But instead we continue the same old ways the Naviim warned us about.

  5. The east cost levaya will take place at the Telshe Yeshiva Riverdale at 11:15AM tomorrow (Friday). It is located at 4904 Independence Ave, Bronx, NY 10471

  6. The Levaya will take place this morning (March 30) in the Yeshiva Of The Telshe Alumni, Riverdale, in the Main Beis Medrash, 4904 Independence Ave, Riverdale NY, 10471, at 11:15AM.

  7. The Levaya will take place in the morning (March 30) in the Yeshiva Of The Telshe Alumni, Riverdale, in the Main Beis Medrash, 4904 Independence Ave, Riverdale NY, 10471, at 11:15AM. (For GPS users: 640 249th St.)
    May we only share simchos in the future.

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