Tragedy Strikes Family Following Chasnah

Shortly after midnight (Sunday to Monday, 25 Adar 5772), a call was received by the EMS dispatcher for an elderly man who collapsed while giving a drasha at sheva brochos for a grandchild. The incident occurred on Admor M’Gur Street in Bnei Brak.

Despite performing resuscitation efforts, there was nothing to be done and the niftar was pronounced dead on the scene by a physician.

After the couple’s chasnah last week, the father of the chosson was niftar and now, a number of days later, R’ Menachem Mendel Einbaum z”l was niftar as he was giving a vort at the sheva brochos. He was the kallah’s maternal grandfather.

The niftar was a prominent member of the Gur community in Eretz Yisrael Chadrei Chareidim reports, known as a talmid chacham.

He was born in Eretz Yisrael in 5700 and was among the first of the Gerre Chassidim to settle in Chatzor HaGlilit. It is reported that he would regularly learn Torah eight hours daily, going over the daf yomi four times daily.

He is survived by seven children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. The father of the Chosson and grandfather of the Kallah in one week, the most special week in there life! Hashem Yirachem! May the Ribbono Shel Olom give this young couple the chizzuk they both need and build a Bayis Neeman B’Yisroel. May them, there families and all of Klal Yisroel know no more Tzar with the building of the Bayis Shlishi B’mihera.

  2. & more importantly, may the young couple have the Zechus of having 2 sons:- 1 named afer each of these Niftorim, in addition to many more children & Simchos.

  3. According to Chadrei Chareidim the niftar is the Chassan’s Maternal grandfather. Earlier this week the chassan’s Paternal grandfather was niftar. Hamakom Yenachem Eschem…..

  4. #3 The article says it was the chassan’s father. Which information is correct? Either way, it’s so sad – what a tragedy.

  5. BD”E. so sad. What is going on?
    Hashem is shaking us up to wake up, do Teshuva and pray for mercy.
    Let’s all of us wake up!

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