Baruch Dayan Emmes: Yosef Ezer Z”L

Yosef Ezer z”l, 20, a talmid at the Grodno Yeshiva was niftar in Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer after battling a terrible illness since last Elul. According to a Kikar Shabbat, despite his difficult physical condition, the niftar, a Bnei Brak resident, was studying Torah in yeshiva almost till his last day.

On erev Shabbos, 8 Adar 5772 his rebbe and rosh yeshivas Grodno HaGaon HaRav Dov Tzvi Karlinstein came to visit him in the hospital, remaining for a number of hours. The rav left shortly before Shabbos, returning to the yeshiva.

On Sunday night, the eve of 11 Adar, the young man returned his neshama while his family was around his bed.

The levaya began at the family home, 64 Chazon Ish Street and kvura was in the Yarkon Cemetery.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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