Levaya Of R’ Shmuel Goldstein Z”L

We regret to inform you on the passing of Reb Shmuel Goldstein, well known Boro Park askan.

A mispalel of the 16th Avenue Agudah, for many years he operated the Goldstein Press print shop on 16th Avenue. He passed away today at the age of 83 after a short illness.

He leaves behind his wife Toby; children, Ari, Hillel, Akiva, Esther Goldwasser, Shamai, Daniel and Dinah Rosenberg; brothers Rabbi Shlomo of Baltimore, Rabbi Yossi, former principal of Bais Yaakov Elementary School of Boro Park, Rabbi Dovid Goldstein of Tzefas and a sister, Morah Dinah Rosengarten.

The Levayeh will be held Monday morning at 9 A.M. at Shomrei Hadas in Boro Park.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

2 Responses

  1. i have great childhood memories of him… we would wait for the schoolbus to yeshiva outside his store and he would give us papers and stickers… bd”e

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