Levaya Of Habochur Dovid Robbins Z”L

YWN regrets to inform you of the sudden Petirah of Habachur Dovid Robbins Z”L, who was R”L found dead by Hatzolah in his home, after being reported missing.

Dovid, who was approximately 40 years old, was well known to many people in Brooklyn, and Lakewood, where he would frequently daven in many Yeshivos on Shabbos, and would eat by many families in the communities.

Despite his Nisyonos, and many hardships, Dovid would always smile, and was very grateful to all those who opened their homes to him over the years.

His Levaya will be taking place at 1:00PM in Boro Park at Shomrei Hadas Chapels, on 14th Avenue and 39th STreet.

The Kvurah will be taking place in Floral Park Cemetery, NJ.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

7 Responses

  1. What a sad ending. I knew him personally for many years. He was a TRUE TZADIK in his own ways. May he be a gutte beiter. I’m certain he’s moichel all those who poked fun at him.

  2. Dovid z”l always had a good vertel, a pun or a joke to share along with a smile for everyone he encountered. He never forgot anyone he met. May he be a meilitz yosher for all the people who befriended him.

  3. BD”E. Very sad. He was a very kind hearted person, though he had a hard life. He should be a meilitz yosher for Klal yisroel.

  4. How sad it is when a single person is niftar without leaving over a family of his own. I too ask his mechila on this public forum for the times i did not give him that which he may have needed. BL”N during the shloshim i will mention his name before i begin learning in the morning as a means of mechila and a zchus lenishmaso.

  5. #5 – Who said he had no family?

    Get your facts straight…

    Anyways, I would like to publicly ask him Mechilla for myself and my family. We had him over so many times for Shabbos meals, but we are only human beings.

    Please forgive us all.

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