Baruch Dayan HaEmmes: HaRav Avrohom Chaim Fogel z”l

Tragedy struck the Bobov community as the news of the petira of HaRav HaChossid Avrohom Chaim Fogel z”l spread rapidly. The niftar was a prominent member of the Bobov community in Tzfat. He was 55-years-old.

The niftar left for chutz la’aretz two weeks ago on a fundraising mission in France. Last Tuesday, as he was leaving the home of one of his supporters he missed a step and fell. He apparently landed in a dark secluded place and while lying in pain he was not discovered for at least an hour. Chadrei Chareidim reports a member of the local Jewish community detected R’ Fogel on the ground and summoned police, who first feared he was the victim of a hate attack.

He was transported to hospital, listed in serious condition. He was rushed into surgery after it was determined he was suffering from a cranial bleed. Two sons traveled to France to be with their father, and they were there on Tuesday, 29 Teves 5772, when he was niftar.

The niftar earned a living as a shochet, regarded by many rabbonim as a Yid from the past, maintaining a life style and level of Yiras Shomayim that was more synonymous with European Jewry. He moved from Ramat Elchanan in Bnei Brak to Tzfat a number of years ago, becoming a pillar of the Bobov community in the holy city.

The niftar’s brothers include HaRav Dovid Gedalya Fogel, a leading figure in the Yerushalayim Satmar community and Rav Yaakov Fogel, the director of the Bobov Talmid Torah in Bnei Brak.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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