Petira Of Rabbi Reuven Dovid [Robert D.] Gordon Z”L

YWN regrets to inform you of the petira of of Rabbi Reuven Dovid [Robert D.] Gordon, prominent attorney in Chicago  community. He passed away in Shaarei Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem today, 8 Tishre, after a short illness age 70.

He was a talmid muvhak of Hagaon Rav Chaim Zimmerman ztl, and was known as a prominent Baal Tzedakah in Chicago, as well as a Talmid Chacham and prominent  attorney for over 40 years.

He is survived by his wife Dinah [nee Robinson], children and grandchidren in Israel and the US.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

One Response

  1. Our condolences to Reuven Dovid’s wife, Dina and hers and Robert’s family. I worked with Reb “Bob” in the law business – and all knew him to be brilliant and true to the Torah in his business dealings and with fellow men and I also had the zechut to learn with him a few times together with the renowned goan Harav Chaim Zimmerman, zatz”al (in the Young Israel of Chicago). May all his family be comforted along with the mourners of Tzion and Yesrushalyim. (PS – Tried to call In Israel just now.)

    Dr. Eliyahu Zvi (Edward) Steinlauf, Advocate and family

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