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R’ Fishel Sochaczewsky Z”L

candle8.gifWith deep sorrow we wish to inform you of the petira of Rabbi Fishel Sochaczewsky Z”L of Flatbush. The levaya will  be Sunday afternoon in Eretz Yisroel at Shamgar in Yerushalayim at 5:30 pm.

The family, Mrs. Leah Sochaczewsky, the children, Mrs. Hadassah Motechin, Mrs. Bella Schon, Mr. Yosi Sochaczewsky and Mrs. Rifky Marylis and his sisters, Reb. Sara Zakheim, Mrs. Yaffa Greenberg and Mrs. Malka Rennert will be sitting shiva at 1280 East 9th Street in Flatbush.

2 Responses

  1. He’ll be sorely missed in the Shteeble. He was our Baal Tokeah, Candy Man, star Simchas Torah Soloist & an all around Baal Chessed. He will be sorely missed.

  2. Boruch Dayan Emes. Reb Fishel was part of an under-appreciated dor of simple unassuming American Bred B’nei Torah from whom we can all learn a great deal. Y’hi zichro Boruch

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