How Do We Protect Our Children?

Yoni Ploni Never Talks to Strangers is a 32 page illustrated children’s book geared for frum children, researched, written and published by Rabbi Yehoshua Danese, and illustrated by Yaakov Gerber, both of whom are fathers of growing families living in the Midwood section of Brooklyn.

Strangers, stalkers, molesters, groomers, or worse, use known plots and ploys to woo defenseless, innocent, unsuspecting and trusting children into their clutches. This book deals which each of their strategies individually and gives children the information they need to evade and avoid such inhuman people.

Rabbi Danese, after researching the subject extensively, wrote this book over a decade ago and sold 5,000 copies; however, now, a reprint of the book, with additional information and color pictures, has been released and is due to come out before Shabbos Nachamu. This book is endorsed by the Torah Safety Commission and is being distributed by Israel Bookshop Publications.

Says Rabbi Danese, “It is a book that is meant for parents to read to their children, explain to them and to answer their questions. This book is maximized to deliver the clearest information as to what the child should do and should not do in every situation. There is no book like this for us.”

What do I do if a stranger is following me? What if he offers me a ride in his car? What if he wants to give me candy? What if he says to me, “Your mother is sick, she said I should take you home?” What should I do if I am lost? These questions, and more, are dealt with clearly and concisely in this book.

“Believe it or not,” say Rabbi Danese, “Yoni is not a frightening book, it is a happy book. The characters in the book are confident, the colors are bright, the pictures are cartoonish and comical; but underneath all that, this book empowers children to be aware and know how to react if something like this should happen to them. Every year I give a copy of this book to one of my daughters to take to her teacher to read to their class. No teacher has ever refused. They see that this book is extremely important.”

This book is a must for every Jewish child. “I am convinced that every one of our children should have this book read to them. The children should read it themselves, and parents and educators should act out the different scenarios, presented in the book, with the children. I do it with my children and that is the best way to teach it.”

Rabbi Yehoshua Danese has been a rebbe for over a decade with several kiruv schools most notably the Torah Academy of Brooklyn. He wrote other children’s safety books dealing with staying safe from fire. He has ghost-written scores of Torah publications for other authors. Copies of Yoni Ploni Never Talks to Strangers are available online or in local bookstores, can be ordered from Israel Bookshop Publications at 888-536-7427, or directly from the author by dialing 347-393-3670. “Please call now,” urges Rabbi Danese, “before you forget and never get around to it.”

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