The View From Ninveh

With her unique style of writing—a rare combination of carefully crafted sentences, depth, and humor—popular Binah and Hamodia columnist Batya Ruddell has found a place in the hearts of all those who have a love for the written word. Up until now, Batya’s writings were mainly short stories, interviews, essays, and poems. This past month, however, this gifted author has debuted with her first book ever—The View from NInveh, a captivating account of her experience while battling a horrific disease.

As with all of her works, Batya’s medical drama, while poignant and tremendously inspiring, is far from depressing or morbid. Her delightful (and often downright whacky!) sense of humor is threaded through each of her many diary entries and emails, of which the book is comprised.

You’ll meet Mrs. Deborah Schechter, Batya’s editor-turned-friend/confidante, with whom she shares a unique long-distance relationship. (Actually, if you’re one of Batya’s avid Binah fans, you’ve probably already “met” Mrs. Schechter and heard about this zany but wonderful friendship between her and Batya!) You’ll discover Batya’s secrets to remaining sane even while undergoing grueling treatments and having to (temporarily) give up some of her greatest pleasures in life. You’ll get inside Batya’s head and heart, and will find yourself relating to her feelings as she is tossed about in a tempest of incredibly contrasting highs and lows during the most torturous seven months of her life.

Shavuos is a holiday of growth and joy. For those looking for a book that will provide them with all the right Yom Tov perspectives, as well as give them an immensely pleasurable reading experience, The View from Ninveh is the answer.

Click HERE to purchase this book – Israel Book Shop!

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