Book Review: Go Bananas

The Jewish book market being what it is today, baruch Hashem, there is a plethora of reading material out there for adults, and so many books devoted to kids. What we don’t seem to find as often are books primarily geared to teenagers; books that reflect the thoughts and feelings that are unique specifically to teens and “tweens.”

Go Bananas and other stories, by Bracha Goykadosh, is, however, one such book. As her many fans will readily attest, Bracha Goykadosh is the writer when it comes to teens. She has a unique way of writing that talks straight to a teenager’s heart. Is it the way she delves so skillfully into the minds of teenagers, exploring their thoughts and emotions in such an honest, realistic way? Is it perhaps the themes she chooses to write about—subjects that are close to the heart of every junior-high- and high-school-aged kid? Whatever it is, there is a good reason why Bracha Goykadosh is such a popular author for teens in so many magazines and publications.

Go Bananas and other stories is a collection of more than twenty-five of Bracha Goykadosh’s best stories. In it, you will meet Goldie, whose dream is to become G.O. president; Faigy, who fears it may be too late to apologize to those she had hurt; and Meir, who feels that no matter how hard he pushes himself to excel, he will always remain just average. You will relate to the characters in this book—kids and teens of all ages and stages—as well as to their personal struggles and challenges. You will share their hopes and fears, and cheer for them when they triumph.

Go Bananas and other stories is an excellent way to show your appreciation to those special teens in your life. If you are looking for a gift that they will go bananas over, this is the book you want to buy.

Click HERE to purchase this book – Israel Book Shop!

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