The Freedom To Be

It’s rare when a manuscript is so gut-wrenching yet simultaneously heartwarming, that it causes editors, proofreaders, and typesetters alike to cry while working on it. Rare—but it does occasionally occur, as it did with The Freedom to Be.

At nearly 700 pages long, The Freedom to Be is a whopper of a novel, but we guarantee that while reading it, you won’t ever feel the book’s true length. You will become so engrossed in it, so intertwined with the lives, thoughts, and feelings of Efraim, Shoshana, Hadassah, Duvid’l, and all the other characters, so involved in every nuance of the beautifully-written plot—that time will cease to exist for you as you read, and the pages will just slip by…

But it will be worth it—as you will see for yourself. The Freedom to Be is not your typical novel. It is a tear-jerker, an exhilarating pleasure for your mind, and a literary delight all at once. It takes “reading a novel” to a new level, making it into an actual experience, one that you will relish and savor for a long time afterward…

This Sukkos, treat yourself to THE novel of the season…of the year…of our times. The Freedom to Be: not your ordinary novel.

Click HERE to purchase this book – Israel Book Shop!

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