Munkatcher Rebbe Visits Camp Chaim V’Shulem Munkatch

mun cover.jpg(Click HERE for additional photos) This past Tuesday, The Munkatcher Rebbe visited the boys division of Machne Chaim V’Shulem Munkatch located on route 42 in Kiamesha Lake, New York. The Rebbe Shlita was greeted by the hundreds of children in the camp’s main Beis Medrash “Darkei Emunah” with who were all dressed in their Shabbos finest in honor of the special occassion. The Rebbe distributed cake to all the children and gave each child a personal Bracha. The Rebbe then delivered a Drasha directly to the children who listened attentively and with great derech eretz. The children also sang beutiful melodies, lead by a special choir of campers.

(Photo credit: Reuvan Kaplan)

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