Liska Yartzheit Tish

Picture 079.jpg(Click HERE for complete album) This past Sunday night 14 AV, the Liska Rebbe Shlita conducted the traditional tisch in honor of his illustrious ancestor Rav Tzvi Hersh of Liska author of Ach Pri Tevuah al HaTorah & Hayosher V’Hatov on Sugas Hashas. The Ach Pri Tevuah was known throughout Hungary as a Poel Yeshuos and esteemed Torah scholar. His presence was felt by the vast majority of Hungarian Jewry who basked in his warmth & holyness.  His histalkus took place in 1874.  The Liska dynasty continued throughout the generations & curerently the Liska Rebbe, Harav Hagaon Hatzadik Rav Tzvi Hersh Friedlander Shlita continues the rich tradition of Torah, piety following in the footsteps of his predecessors.
The seudah was graced by Rabonim including the Hivnover Rav, Harav Hagaon Avrohom Friedlander Shlita & Harav Tzvi Pollack, Groisvardaner Rov Shlita of Staten Island in addition to the many adherents of the Liska Rebbe Shlita. The Rebbe Shlita who is the author of Chamedei Tzvi on Shas delivered divrei Torah built upon the sefer Ach Pri Tevuah.

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