PHOTOS: Atlanta, GA Community Melava Malka

Last Motzei Shabbos there was a community wide melave malka marking the 4th annual shabbos chizuk in Atlanta, GA. Different Rabbonim come from all over to deliver devrei chizuk, torah, and brochoh to the various shuls and communities in and around Atlanta.

The Congregation Ariel of Dunwoody, Beth Jacob of Atlanta, Young Israel of Toco Hills, and Ner Hamizrach of Atlanta all participated in having various shuirim given by the rabbonim who participated for this 4th annual shabbos chizuk. Rabbi Paysach Krohn was the main speaker of the event motzei shabbos, as was Rabbi Y. Bentzion Bamberger of Monsey and Rabbi Doniel Neustat of Detroit.

Afterwards, thy enjoyed a melave malka with the rabbonim having the time to shmooze with those that came to hear the devrei chizuk.

Click HERE for photos by Moishe Kruger.

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