UK: Hachnosas Sefer Torah at Yeshiva Ezras Torah

1.jpg(Click HERE for more photos.) On Sunday afternoon amidst the bad weather conditions, hundreds of people gathered in honour of the Hachnasas Sefer Lezecer Nishmas Habochur Yirmiyahu Josebashvili (Known to some as little Cha Cha) from London. The Kesivas Haozisos took place in the home of Hoasken Reb Dovid Noach Olsberg Shlita, who is very close to many members of the Nifters family.
A truck with a crown on top carried the music. This crown and structure was created by the bochurim of Yeshivas Ezras Torah Likovid the Simcha.
The Sefer Torah was donated by many friends of the Yirmiyahu Z”L. The Sefer Torah and event was arranged and coordinated under the directorship of Meir Scher of Ezras Torah and his co-partner Yosef Chaim Nezmeli.
In the evening a Seuda took place at the Machzeiki Hadaas Hall. Chairman was Harav meir Michoel Emanuel Shilita, Rosh Hayeshiva, Yeshivas Ezras Torah. The Mora Deasra, Rabbi Schnabalg spoke. Harav Yisroel Chaim Horovitz, Rachover spoke about  the qualities of the Nifter who in such a short life achieved so much. He also mentioned about the speciality of the Yeshiva and all the Hanholo who put tremendous efforts into the Bochurim.
A presentation was made to Meir Scher for his outstanding achievement in arranging the Sefer Torah.

One Response

  1. I remember Yirmiyahu Z”L well, he was wellliked by every body who he had contact with.May he be a Militz Yosher for his family and the whole of Klal Yisroel.

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