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Munkatcher Chumash Seuda

mu1.jpgThe children of the first grade of Talmud Torah Tiferes Bunim Munkatch held their Chumash Seudah today at the Kahal Chasidim Hall in Boro Park. The event was attended by the proud parents, grandparents and Rabeim of the talmidim. The Chumash Seudah was graced with the presence of the Munkatcher Rebbe Shlita who gave a special Bracha to all the assembled. (Click on images to ENLARGE them.)



One Response

  1. I think “first grade” is incorrect. What is referred to “Kitah Alef” in Chasideshe Chadorim is Pre-1A (or Primary for the Lakewood readers). Just in case any one was wondering why they are starting Chumash so late…

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