Lakewood: Sanz celebrations cancelled

Cancilation_Notice.jpgThe Hachnosas Sefer Torah, and Hanochas Even Hapina (reported HERE) have been cancelled due to the inclement weather. It will I”H take place next Sunday.

6 Responses

  1. its not sanz
    its sanz klausenburg

    Sanz = Rebbe in Natanya (may Hashem send him a Refua Shelieme)

    Sanz Klausenburg = Rebbe in Usa who Lives in New York

  2. Music: From what I heard, Reb Fishel Hershkowitz shlita said that music will be allowed on the event even after rosh chodesh.

    Rt. 9 closure: It was postponed by request of the police due to the weather preventing the closure of Rt. 9, which means that next week the closure would be possible.

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