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Tehillim for Sanzer Rebbe

sanzer rebbe.jpgPlease be Mispallel for the Sanzer Rebbe Shlita from Netanya, who underwent surgery last night after having chest pains. His name is Tzvi Elimelech ben Chaya Nechama.

10 Responses

  1. Well BH. Angioplasty is less serious than surgery! In any case he should have a refuah. Was his father in law not Rav Unsdorfer ZT’l?

  2. His father, the previous Klausenberger Rebbe was a Tzaddik!
    While in Aushwitz, he was shot by a nazi and in order to protect himself from the wound, he coverd it with a leaf. He then made a promise to himself that after the war he would see to it that everyone in Klaal Yisroel should get proper medical care….THAT was his inspiration for Laniado Hospital!

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