PHOTOS: Gedolim at the Kanievsky Wedding

mm.jpgClick HERE to see photos taken at the wedding of HaRav Chaim Kanievsky’s great-grandson at Aromot Chen in Bnei Brak.

(S.B. Korn / Topshot Images)

5 Responses

  1. I love looking at gedolim pictures!!! thanks!
    It’s very inspiring – I would just beg YWN to include who/what we’re looking at.


  2. I second #1’s request. It would SO greatly improve the gallery if the gedolim could be identified. I think this would be a hiddur in the mitzvah of v’hayu einecha ro’os es morecha. Shkoiach!

  3. A word of caution is necessary. I fear that the community is developing an unhealthy obsession with gedolim that is approaching Sabbateanism. Whereas it’s appropriate to respect and honor these Torah giants, it seems sometimes that people are worshipping them (G-d forbid) and attributing infallibility to their decisions. Although I truly believe that they merit a degree of Divine assistance, we must be wary of allowing Xtian influences on our theology.

  4. just adding another request to caption the names of the people in Rabbis in the photos. Sorry to say, that without knowing who we are looking at, after a while they all look alike

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