An Uplifting Shabbos in Laluv

Hundreds of Laluv Chassidim joined the Rebbe Shlita for an uplifting Shabbos in Laluv Poland, not far from the Tzion of Rebbi Dovid M’Laluv ZY”A.

The annual visit to the kever began on Thursday, with hundreds of chassidim taking part. A number of charter flights brought chassidim from Eretz Yisrael, the United States and Europe. Among the guests was the Spinka Rebbe Shlita from the United States. The guests were accommodated in a school building near the Tzion.

A large tent was erected in proximity to the Tzion where chassidim spent Shabbos with the Rebbe Shlita, who held his customary tischin. On motzei Shabbos, two additional charter flights left Eretz Yisrael to take part in Sunday morning shachris, after which the Rebbe will hold a l’chaim tisch to mark the yahrzeit. During the afternoon, the k’hal will gather to recite all of sefer Tehillim at the Tzion, as well as special tefillos due to the difficult situation facing Am Yisrael today.

Towards later afternoon, the Rebbe will begin the yahrzeit tisch.

During the predawn hours on erev Shabbos, a plane from Eretz Yisrael landed in Warsaw and chassidim made their way to the Tzion of the Sfas Emes on his yahrzeit, 5 Teves. They too made their was to Laluv later in the day and spent Shabbos with the large crowd of Laluver chassidim.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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