Kollel Ateres Chaim Baruch of Cleveland 12th Annual Dinner Honoring Harav Baruch Hirschfeld Shlita

The Annual Banquet for Kollel Ateres Chaim Baruch, Torah LIFE Institute of Cleveland, will be held this evening, Tuesday at 6:30 pm. The world renown Rosh Kollel, Harav Baruch Hirschfeld will be honored. Reb Baruch shlita is known by all in the Cleveland community. He makes himself available 24 hours a day, answering shailos for the entire Cleveland community and all over the country. Reb Baruch is the Posek and adviser of Cleveland Kosher and is a prominent member of the Cleveland Beis Din. There is not a member of the Cleveland community who has not benefited in some way from Reb Baruch.

The Kollel serves as the community Beis Medrash of Cleveland Heights. Many Baal Habatim find there way nightly to the Kollel to learn with a chavrusah or participate in one of the many shiurim offered at there. The Kollel is the place where the children of the community find their place after school to spend their time and learn.

Reb Doniel Nuestadd, Rosh Vaad Harobonim of Detroit, famed Yated columnist and long time chavrusa of Reb Baruch will attend.

The dinner will take place at the hall in the Young Israel of Beachwood.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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